A note from Superintendent Bob James: 

Good afternoon Wildcat Families,

Deer season has come, the leaves are falling from the trees, and bad weather is just around the corner! We never know when inclement weather is on its way; I hope this email helps you navigate those hectic days and gives you one less thing to worry about. 

I have included the basic details below along with the major considerations when making a snow day/inclement weather day  decision. Stay safe and enjoy the warm week everyone!

  • I will monitor the weather and remain in close communication with Joe Nuener at the bus company
  • He and I will begin traveling the roads along with several others across Osage County overnight/very early in the morning- whichever is appropriate.
  • In cases involving inevitably unsafe driving conditions, I will do my best to communicate closings the night before at 8:00 pm. Mother nature keeps us guessing right up to the start of school at times; I will do my best.  As you might imagine, that is incredibly difficult to do at times.
  • Cases involving weather that moves in overnight, I will communicate closings at/by 6:00 am; again, after driving the roads. 
  • We will post to the district's website, Facebook, send a text to all of our families, and a brief email message.
  • In most cases, a school day closure will result in all after school activities and events being cancelled. In the event that roads prohibiting safe travel during the day are cleared prior to evening events, events will be evaluated on a case by case basis. In those cases, our Activities Department will send out additional messages later in the day.
  • Snow days/Closings will be communicated to TV Channels 8,13, and all Zimmer Radio stations. (about 10 different stations)
  • Please make sure we have accurate telephone numbers and email addresses on file with the appropriate school to ensure you receive the messages. Please contact the school offices if you are not sure or have questions.
  • If you have students at St. George also, I will be including Mrs. Grellner in our leadership team texts so she is able to respond accordingly. 
  • Osage R-II does NOT plan on distance learning for Snow Days- We hope you and your students enjoy them and will only consider distance learning IF the number of snow days becomes overwhelming. 

Our primary goal is ensuring our students' and staffs' safety; while our closing determinations will be based upon our direct observations, it is not possible to drive every road or area. Should you determine your student's travel route is not safe, we encourage you to make the best decision for you and your student; school will be here when they return and catching up is always possible. :)   

 I will undoubtedly  look into my crystal ball and be right sometimes and appear to be a smart guy; other times I will look and be wrong- being the dumbest guy; please be patient with all staff as we try to make the best decision to maximize student learning while ensuring we are as safe as possible. Until the snow comes, enjoy the fall! Have a terrific Wildcat day!