The A+ Schools Program is a school improvement initiative established by the Outstanding Schools Act of 1993. The main goal of A+ schools is to assure that upon graduation all students are well-prepared to continue their education, seek employment, or both. The A+ Schools Program at Linn High School provides an excellent opportunity for students to earn financial incentives at any Missouri public community college, junior college, or vocational school. In addition, some four-year colleges/universities offer financial incentives for students who meet A+ criteria.

A+ students are under no obligation to use the A+ financial benefits. A student who graduates at the end of the seventh semester is eligible to receive A+ funds for the semester immediately following, as long as the student has met all program eligibility requirements.

A+ funding is contingent on approval by the state legislature.

A+ Coordinator:

Shannon Wolfe contact at 573-897-4216, ext. 3328 or wolfes@linn.k12.mo.us