Positive Behavior Supports

Expectations for Linn Elementary

The students and staff at Linn Elementary will be
Safe, Respectful and Responsible.





Remain seated when bus is moving

"Listen and follow directions

Talk quietly"

"Remember to take all belongings off the bus

Pick up all trash/keep the bus clean."


"Sit with both feet on the floor under the table

Face tray at all times

Stay seated until dismissed or given permission"

"Use quiet voices

Wait quietly and patiently

Use proper table mannersKHFAAOOTY*"

"Clean up after self

Only eat your own food

Remember lunch card or sack lunchEnter and Exit in an orderly fashion"


"Sit with all 4 legs of the chair on the floor

Use walking feet in the classroom

Keep objects out of your mouth"

"Raise your hand and wait for your turn to talk

Respect school property

Be kind to others"

"Turn assignments in on time

Use school supplies correctly

Keep area cleanFollow all directions first time

Come to class prepared"


"Sit or Stand Still

Eyes looking forward and paying attention"

"Walk quietly in a straight line on the right side of the hall


Make your way promptly to your destination


"Use equipment correctly

Play in assigned areas

Gravel stays on the groundFollow playground rules

Wait your turn

Use the stairs to get from upper to lower playground"

"Use appropriate language

Follow adult directions

Play together/fairDo the right thing/be kind to others"

"Return equipment

Keep school grounds free of litter

Dress appropriately for the weatherLine up quickly and quietly when whistle blows"


"Wash hands w/soap and water

Keep water in sink"

"Respect privacy of others

Clean up after self

If a stall is open, use it"

"FlushTurn off water when we’re finished

Only use small amount of toilet paper & paper towelsThrow trash on in the trash can

Report Bathroom problems"

Special Events

"Stay in assigned areas


"Treat others the way you want to be treated

“Give me 5”

Pay attentionUse manners

Display school pride"

Follow all directions